Wednesday, June 22, 2022

Felt Creative at Work

Working at Paper Source in Princeton was the most creative job I ever had. It was great to work with so many creatives, as well. Denise Porretto pictured here, lives in Princeton. She is part of the new Princeton Makes . I hope to get out there and check it out soon. She makes greeting cards and felt cake boxes for celebrating. When I first opened the store, Greetings from Geralyn,she was one of the Artists I featured. In this picture she is wearing a felt flower corsage she creates, too. I have one, and it will decorate my Christmas tree this year. In this picture she is holding a butterfly wand we created in training. I made a book and took pictures of each of us holding our butterflies. PM me if you are reading this, and was part of the team, and you don't mind me sharing your picture. The book was put out on display for a year, also. I am so glad I found it, and now know where it is. This has been a huge challenge, but everything is starting to come together. It actually has been fun organizing and labeling all of my boxes of supplies and memories. I spent a lot of time scrapbooking and memory keeping and I want to treasure it. Her etsy shop can be found here.

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