Sunday, August 21, 2022


Hallelujah is a word included in many songs of praise. But, when I just googled it, it came up as a song title written by Leonard Cohen. I went to see the documentary about the song in Princeton yesterday afternoon. I loved every minute of it. I always wondered about the lyrics of the song and what it meant. And, it was clear from the movie it was for the listener's ear to decide. And, the person who produced the song with Leonard put it best. He never asked Leonard anything about the lyrics, as that is not the writers job is to have to explain it. Just like a masterpiece painting. The Artist doesn't call it a masterpiece. Viewers through history will end up deciding that. His story is very interesting and a lot about the Jewish faith. Also, he spent many years discovering his zen. And, to see him perform and tour in his seventies, he certainly found it. The song always make me stop and listen. And, to hear so many versions and the struggles the song went through even to be heard by me was astounding. I first was introduced to it through Shrek. But, there were many times after Sandy I saw videos on facebook of this song. Spiritually, this year I have been on quite the journey. And, facing life and all of it's struggles has been daunting. But, hopefully I will be arriving to a place in my life with more of a peace of mind. And, honestly to think of my life as suffering would be a lie. But, as I go through my year in Ocean Grove I realize so much of my view on life is of the secret suffering so many people go through. And, after a church service one Sunday in early summer, I think I realized it. Brought up in the Catholic Church the most visual part of the church is Jesus dying on the cross. And, that visual was a big part of growing up. We always had a crusifix above our doors. And, it was supposed to guard us. As, I grew up I grew farther away from the church. I raised my children Catholic and the only thing I brought into our house was an advent wreath. We also had a statue of Mary that came with our last home we purchased eleven years ago. But, in this town the visual is different. There are crosses with sayings like "All In". And, a lot of talk about Jesus carrying the weight of the pain for you. And, this year I have been trying to shed the weight of my thoughts. And, sadly that hasn't happened, yet. But, throughout the year I have felt happy, alive and more care free. I say this lightly, because I am so worried about my future. But, I am concentrating on that. And, if all goes well, I won't have to worry as much soon. Most of all, I woke up this morning remembering to keep music in my heart and soul. And, I will keep listening to it to motivate me. I made a reel to "Firework" written my Katy Perry today on instagram. She wrote that song. And, that is my "go to" song. This month I also made a bulletin board at work for us to be motivated. Today, I think I will play that song for us for motivation. Do you have a "go to song"? Quote of the day: You don't have to feel like a waste of space You're original, cannot be replaced If you only knew what the future holds After a hurricane comes a rainbow Maybe a reason why all the doors are closed So you could open one that leads you to the perfect road Like a lightning bolt, your heart will glow Lyrics from "Firework" written by Katy Perry Song of the day: Hallelujah by Leonard Cohen The clean version for Shrek

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