Monday, November 14, 2022

The Art of Creating Calm

How to find calm in this current chaotic conundrum? These times of uncertainty, how do we keep hopeful? When our lives are constantly changing, how do we find the faith? And, when things beyond our control, make us feel unloved? I say we, because personally I may be going through some changes, but during this time in history everyone globally is, also. For, me life is whizzing by too fast to think about it. But, I honestly am amazed in my resilliance. Most of all finding the calm in the storm. So, I am taking the time to think about it in the morning, and writing about it. Because, it does seem to help others. And, what I do, comes natural. And, in the end, I think that is the answer. Don't get me wrong, I am scrolling and surfing the internet daily for inspiration and answers to my own conundrum. I love the word even, conundrum. But, basically I am looking for answers, and really I have all the answers inside me. I just have to trust myself. And, that is where the deep soul searching comes in. Well, with real life we don't all have the time for that. We are just all trying to keep our head above water. And, so what do we do naturally to stay afloat? We keep swimming or treading water. No one else knows your inner turmoil. If you are lucky, you do. I am lucky, I have empathetic friends. But, naturally we all find our way to hold our head up high. I call it survival mode. Because, each day, naturally that is what we are doing. I love the English saying: "Keep Calm and Carry On". There were signs made up for this and hung all over England after World War II. I sold items like this in my store, and the first day after Sandy I sold out of all of them. They were by local Artists who were licensed by Peter Pauper and they read " Keep Calm and have a cupcake" Their names are Jen and Aaron and there business is: "Everyday is a Holiday". So, anyway I think naturally we create our own calm. But, I also think we create our own choas. So, be careful how you calm yourself. Because, if it is with food, it can become unhealthy. I DO comfort myself with food. I was told once, this is ok, because it is needed to survive. It is better then drugs or alcohol. But, not really. It is not healthy. Sugar can give you a high, but too much of it can be a bad thing. So, looking back I can see when I was treading water the most, I became the heaviest. And, this is the time I was working the most. As women, how do we find the balance? In all my sixty-some years, I have not found it. I am always juggling or forgetting something, to not really feel relaxed. I constantly have my guard up. When, I finally feel calm, I think something is going to happen to wreck it. So, slowly I am realizing all of this. I am taking healthy action to gather my stregnth. And, the biggest thing I can do is recognize my stregnth. I am proud of myself. But, along with that is my biggest weakness is, I HATE to ask for help. And, when you work in management, that is the name of the game. But, I find stregnth in relying on myself, and myself only. I can not, and will not control others. And, that is how I find the calm. Knowing the difference of what I can control and what I can not. So, this week, I want to create reels in instagram of my most relaxing, calming days I've had this year. Along with my favorite music, afterall that is what really calms me, too. My biggest surprise was my most calm day was in New York City. So, we can find the calm in the chaos. Just surround yourself with good people, go to places you have never been to before, and let someone else be in control. And, to end this all, I have a belief system of I am not really in control of anything...God is in control of everything. Hence, my mom's bumper sticker: Let Go Let God

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