Tuesday, March 15, 2022

The Path We Choose

Even though, last year my journey to joy came to an abrubt halt. Day by day I am still learning how find my way. I think the first thing is to celebrate the good things that have come out of the many changes my life took since June. The biggest one is freedom. And, freedom is the most tricky of anything the world give us. It is what this country was born out of. And, sadly not everyone in the world is free. I learned so much last year, and it has helped me the last few months. The biggest take I have thought about is the first thing I read in my mom's apartment after she died. She said she raised three children to be free spirits. And, I keep thinking how hard it was to be a free spirit when I was married. Then I am thinking: "am I making the most of being a free spirit, now?". And, despite the efforts I am putting in, fear always gets in my way. And, the more I am home by myself, the more time fear creeps into my way of thinking. So, this weekend I was alone enjoying the music of Light of Day and a St. Patrick's Day parade. But, I wasn't alone, I was with a lot of kindred spirits. I saw old friends and made some new friends. I danced besides my son's band. And, when they played "I want to dance with somebody". And, I wasn't sad because the words of the song say I want to dance with somebody who loves me. Because the woman I was dancing by my side kept saying to me how much she loved my son (she is married and has four children). Then as the day went through, she kept saying how much she loved me. My take away is it all about connections. But, as I age I truly believe there is a bigger picture. And, I said it to a customer yesterday. And, I swore I would write it down. But, it sounded so good then, I can't get it right now. But what I said was: We don't choose the path that takes us, it is the path that makes us. And, I know there is a spirit, well many spirits that are my guides, now. And, most of all I know I am not alone on this journey. I feel the love of something much deeper then the kind of love you feel being in a relationship. I am in the driver's seat taking the wheel and will take a u-turn, go in reverse, drive fast or slow down. But, most of all, I will be looking forward to where the path I am on leads. Song of the day: I Wanna Dance With Somebody my son's band the Ocean Avenue Stompers at the Black Swan
Quote of the day: "Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail." - Ralph Waldo Emerson.

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