Tuesday, March 8, 2022

Women's Day 2022

Happy International Women's Day! I just wanted to take a blog post and sort out my feelings of being a woman on this day. There is a lot I could touch on with that being the focus. But, as this is an art blog, I will continue to find a way to have a common thread. So, last year at this time I was on a journey to joy and trying to find a path painting each day. These two little 4x4 canvases were painted the morning my marriage came to an abrupt halt. It was two days after father's day. I don't think I posted on social media for a couple of weeks after this happened. And, if I shared anything it was pictures with friends and my daughter in lavender fields or sunflower farms. I had really learned a lot about how to deal with loss at this time. And, the time outside didn't give me a sense of joy. But, it definitely gave me a feeling of peace and calm. But, during this time I was learning a lot about how I was going to navigate my future. And, at that moment, I couldn't really use my art or all the affirmations to get me through. I sort of had a feeling that I wasted a lot of time. I still didn't have a voice that was being heard. And, most of all, I knew I had more of a purpose then what I was spending each day doing. My saving grace was when I got hired for Vera Bradley. Not, only did it help my self esteem, it gave me the power financially to be able to move on and live by myself. And, then there was the giant part, which is purpose. Part of my job is holding community events and donations. And, that gives me just the feeling I need. This International Women's Day we introduce a new pattern full of hope for New Hope Girls. I love the butterflies and how it sybolizes transformation. And, I love their saying "Created for More". I have really loved sharing the affirmations on facebook and instagram. It helps me a lot, and most of all I love when someone says that is just what they needed to see. I found an Artist on instagram who has just put out a book of affirmations and was signed on to Hallmark for her cards. She is my hero today. I want to be like her!!! I hope you visit her instagram page or website. I can't wait to buy her book and cards. You can find her here: Morgan Harper Nichols. Cheers to all strong women! Carry on! Quote of the day: “When you start to feel like things should have been better this year, remember the mountains and valleys that got you here. They are not accidents, and those moments weren't in vain. You are not the same. Morgan Parker Nichols Song of the Day: Darlene Love Mountain High River Deep

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Walking the Talk

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