Sunday, February 27, 2022

Honeysuckle Rose

If you had to write a paper or an essay about the most hopeful place you have ever been, what would it be? I would say it is Asbury Park, NJ. Growing up in the area, it is where we shopped for our Easter outfits and school clothes and shoes. And, when the riots in the early 70's happened, the first place that went up in flames was where we bought our school shoes each year. To say that did not have an impact on me would be an understatement. A year never passed without driving through, and witnessing the decay. The decline of people on the streets. Buildings and the boardwalk abondoned. The candy shop was still there. The Stone Pony was able to gallop through. And, then a miracle happened. It slowly, very slowly rose from the ashes. It has a rich history being born during Victorian times and was a city at one time. It is still considered a city (I think). But, I am sure at the worst of times it didn't have very many residents. When you think of ghost towns, you think of the wild west. But, Asbury Park became a giant ghost town. I am trying to articulate in my writing the importance of ghosts and spirits that in the end turn fear into hope. Stigma and reputation can cause fear to visit a place or get to know a person. I am trying to have more faith over fear. So, this Spring I am going to try to spend more time in Asbury Park. I can't wait to visit the temporary Asbury Park Museum in the Berkley Carteret. And, best of all just around the corner is the Light of Day shows. As, I get older I feel I need to fill my soul with what is hopeful. And, lately I have been meeting and working with incredibly hopeful people. And, to get through this time of the pandemic and overcome we are going to have to feel hopeful. Today I visited the website of the historical society and will share a song I found that was written in a house in Asbury Park in the 1920's...If history teaches us anything, some say this is all leading to an era like the Roaring Twenties...Wouldn't that be nice? Quote of the Day: “This is so nice, it must be illegal.” -- Fats Waller Song of the Day: Honeysuckle Rose by Fats Waller

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